
Thursday, October 11, 2012

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So what’s been the most anticipated film this year so far? The Dark Knight Rises, maybe, or The Avengers? For comic books fans, yes. But for a certain audience, it’s On The Road. 
Influential to generations for its trail-blazing portrayal of youthful rebellion amid a growing sex’n’ drugs-fuelled counterculture, a film adaptation of Jack Kerouac’s classic Beat novel has been mooted ever since its 1957 publication. Enfermeira encontrada morta após trote a hospital de Kate era indiana

From Marlon Brando to Francis Ford Coppola, numerous Hollywood legends have considered bringing the trans-US road trip of Kerouac’s alter ego, Sal Paradise, and his untameable friend, Dean Moriarty, to screen. Nobody could crack it, until along came Walter Salles. 

‘This is a book that’s had a very deep impact on my life,’ says the Brazilian director, whose 2004 film The Motorcycle Diaries detailed a similarly formative road trip by Argentine revolutionary Che Guevara. ‘It’s really about young men in the transition from youth to adulthood, who live in a very conservative society.’ 

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The likes of Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt and Ethan Hawke are just some of the many hip actors who have been attached to the project in the past. Salles, though, wanted lesser-known stars.

 For Sal, he chose Sam Riley. Best known for playing Joy Division singer Ian Curtis in Control, Leeds-born Riley, 32, admits taking on such a role was pretty intimidating.

Not least when, at a four-week ‘Beatnik boot camp’ set up by Salles to educate his young actors, Riley watched footage from earlier auditions. ‘Johnny Depp is saying: “I’m glad I didn’t do it. There would be too much pressure playing this part”,’ says Riley.

 ‘And I’m thinking: “Too much pressure for him? Why are you playing this to us, Walter? What the f*** are you doing?”’ 

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A polícia britânica afirmou neste sábado que era natural da Índia a enfermeira encontrada morta após cair em um trote ao hospital onde a duquesa de Cambridge estava internada, informa a agência AP.

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 Jacintha Saldanha, 46 anos, vivia há 9 anos em Bristol, no sudoeste da Inglaterra, segundo a Scotland Yard. Saldanha trabalhava no hospital King Edward's VII, onde Kate, mulher do príncipe britânico William, estava internada.

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 Ela recebeu a ligação de uma dupla de DJs australianos que se passavam pela rainha Elizabeth II e pelo príncipe Charles e a repassou para outra enfermeira que deu aos radialistas informações confidenciais sobre a saúde da duquesa.

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 A indiana foi encontrada morta na manhã de sexta-feira. Até o momento, as autoridades não informaram quais foram as causas da morte, mas disse que não encontrou nada suspeito para abrir uma investigação. A principal tese é para a morte é que ela se suicidou.

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 Um legista examinará o corpo da vítima para determinar as circunstância do óbito, disse a polícia.

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