
Showing posts with label Zooey Deschanel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zooey Deschanel. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Landgerichts München SUPERMARIO

it is an iOS game. Game is free to play.. Awesome time pass…
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Search flappy world on appstore and Download it free on your iOS devices.
Im Sitzungssaal 219 des Landgerichts München I hängt ein großes Ölgemälde hinter dem Richterstuhl. Es zeigt König Maximilian II. von Bayern. Es ist ein recht altes Gemälde des Regenten, der von 1811 bis 1864 lebte. In seiner Zeit als Gerichtsschmuck dürfte der alte König schon so Einiges zu hören bekommen haben.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Where is My Mickey Flow Arrange Iphone app Italy hot

Where is My Mickey Flow Arrange Iphone app

Unisciti a Topolino nella nuova avventura della popolare serie Disney per i dispositivi mobile!
Where is My Mickey Flow Arrange Iphone app
iPhone App free

Dov'è il mio Topolino? introduce un nuovissimo
gioco basato sulla fisica con ingegnose meccaniche del tempo e divertenti animazioni. Prova l'ultima esperienza di gioco mobile mentre guardi divertenti episodi e risolvi gli incredibili rompicapi! Tocca
lo schermo, scorri e ruota per aiutare Topolino a raccogliere l'acqua e completare tutte le storie. Ogni goccia conta!

• Episodi originali: esplora 5 episodi unici con scenari curiosi e divertenti! Scopri nuove parti della storia man mano che sblocchi e superi i livelli!
• Nuove meccaniche del tempo: sfrutta vento, nuvole e pioggia per spostarti in più di 100 livelli pieni di sfide da superare!
• Nuovo look: uno stile classico con un tocco contemporaneo, ispirato alla nuova serie di corti di Topolino su Disney Channel!
• Oggetti da raccogliere e livelli bonus: aiuta Pluto a trovare gli oggetti nascosti per sbloccare altri puzzle bonus!
• Topolino e i suoi amici: scopri nuovi episodi e nuovi amici, a cominciare dal simpatico Pippo! 

Anteprima del primo episodio ""Se la vita ti offre limoni"":
Where is My Mickey Flow Arrange Iphone app
Click to view in HD
In un caldo giorno d'estate, Topolino decide di aprire una bancarella di limonate. Ha la caraffa, i limoni e una lunga fila di clienti assetati, ma... GLI MANCA L'ACQUA! Aiuta Topolino a recuperarla e ottieni 3 stelle in ogni livello! Perfino le stelle sono animate!

Prova 6 puzzle di Pippo GRATUITAMENTE e sblocca gli episodi restanti a un modesto prezzo aggiuntivo!
Visita per trovare suggerimenti e segreti!


Join Mickey on a brand new adventure in Disney’s most popular mobile game franchise!

Where's My Mickey? introduces a whole new world of life-like physics-based gameplay with stimulating weather mechanics and humorous animations. Immerse yourself in the ultimate mobile gaming experience as you watch funny episodes while solving challenging puzzles! Tap, swipe, and swirl to help Mickey collect water and complete each story. Every drop counts! 

• Original Episodes – Explore 5 unique episodes with surprising and witty scenarios! Watch how each story unfolds and ends as you play through individual level packs!
Where is My Mickey Flow Arrange Iphone app
Where is My Mickey Flow Arrange Iphone app
• Brand New Weather Mechanics – Use wind, clouds and rain to maneuver through 100+ levels filled with fun challenges!
• A Whole New Look – A classic Mickey art-style with a contemporary touch, inspired by Disney Channel’s new series of Mickey Cartoons!
• Collectibles and Bonus Levels – Help Pluto look for hidden collectibles to unlock more bonus puzzles!
• Featuring Mickey and Friends – Discover more hilarious episodes and new friends, beginning with Goofy! 

Now a sneak preview of the first episode – “When Life Gives You Lemons”: 
On a hot summer day, Mickey decides to open up a lemonade stand. He’s got a bowl, the lemons, and a long line of thirsty customers, yet NO WATER! Help Mickey collect water and “tri-star” each level for ultimate fun! Even the stars are animated!

Try 6 Goofy puzzles for FREE and unlock the remaining episodes for a small additional price!

Visit for more hints, tips and secrets.

WhatsApp Messenger Flow Arrange hot Germany

WhatsApp Messenger Flow Arrange Download free
Flow Arrange
WhatsApp Messenger ist ein plattformunabhängiger Smartphone-Messenger - derzeit für iPhone und alle anderen Smartphones verfügbar. Dank Push-Nachrichten können Sie die Nachrichten von Freunden, Kollegen und Familie sofort erhalten. Steigen Sie von SMS auf WhatsApp um, um Bilder, Sprach- und Video-Nachrichten mit anderen WhatsApp-Benutzern kostenfrei auszutauschen. Alle Funktionen werden ohne zusätzliche In-App-Käufe zur Verfügung gestellt.


* KEINE VERSTECKTEN KOSTEN: Sobald Sie und Ihre Freunde die Anwendung herunterladen, können Sie unbegrenzt chatten. Senden Sie eine Million Nachrichten pro Tag an Ihre Freunde! WhatsApp nutzt Ihre Internet-Verbindung: 3G/EDGE oder Wi-Fi, wenn verfügbar.

* MULTIMEDIA: Senden Sie Videos, Bilder und Sprachnachrichten an Ihre Freunde und Kontakte.

* GRUPPENCHAT: Genießen Sie Gruppengespräche mit ihren Kontakten - Sie können Teilnehmer hinzufügen oder entfernen, das Thema ändern und ein Gruppensymbol festlegen.

* PERSÖNLICH: Legen Sie Ihr Profilfoto fest, um es allen Ihren Kontakten anzuzeigen.

WhatsApp Messenger Flow Arrange Download free
Click To view in HD
* KEINE INTERNATIONALEN GEBÜHREN: So wie es keine zusätzlichen Kosten für den internationalen E-Mail-Versand gibt, sind auch internationale WhatsApp-Nachrichten kostenlos. Chatten Sie mit Ihren Freunden auf der ganzen Welt, so lange auch bei ihnen WhatsApp Messenger installiert ist und vermeiden Sie die lästigen SMS-Kosten.

* SAG NEIN ZU PINS UND BENUTZERNAMEN: Warum sich überhaupt noch die Mühe machen, sich eine weitere PIN oder einen Benutzernamen zu merken? WhatsApp verwendet - genau wie SMS - Ihre Telefonnummer und bezieht sich auf Ihr vorhandenes Telefonbuch.

* KEINE AN- UND ABMELDUNG: Sie brauchen nicht mehr daran zu denken, ob Sie sich an einem anderem Computer oder Gerät abgemeldet haben. Dank Push-Nachrichten ist WhatsApp immer aktiv und immer verbunden.

* KEIN EXTRA-HINZUFÜGEN VON FREUNDEN: Ihr Telefonbuch wird verwendet, um eine Verbindung mit Ihren Kontakten automatisch herzustellen. Ihre Freunde, die bereits über WhatsApp Messenger verfügen, werden automatisch unter Favoriten angezeigt.

* OFFLINE-NACHRICHTEN: Selbst wenn Sie Ihre Push-Nachrichten verpassen oder Ihr iPhone ausschalten, werden Ihre WhatsApp-Nachrichten offline gespeichert, bis Sie sie bei der nächsten anwendung abrufen.

* UND VIELES MEHR: Standort und Orte mitteilen, Visitenkarten austauschen, Hintergrund festlegen, benutzerdefinierten Nachrichtenton wählen, Landscape-Modus-Unterstützung, Zeitstempel bei Nachrichten, Chat-Verlauf an E-Mail-Adresse senden, Rundnachrichten (auch mit Medien) an mehrere Kontakte gleichzeitig versenden, und vieles, vieles mehr!

WhatsApp Messenger Flow Arrange Download free
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Wir freuen uns immer, von Ihnen zu hören! Wenn Sie irgendwelche Fragen oder Anregungen haben, mailen Sie uns bitte unter: 
oder besuchen Sie

oder folgen Sie uns auf Twitter:


WhatsApp auf dem iPhone funktioniert mit praktisch allen Mobilfunkanbietern und Netzwerken, aber bei einigen Anbietern gelten bestimmte Einschränkungen. Falls Ihr Anbieter keine Apple-Produkte unterstützt, finden Sie auf unserer FAQ die entsprechenden Infos, die regelmäßig aktualisiert werden.

HINWEIS: WhatsApp ist eine Telefonieanwendung und als solche ünterstützt sie keinen iPod oder iPad.

WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform smartphone messenger currently available for iPhone and all other smartphones. The application utilizes push notifications to instantly get messages from friends, colleagues and family. Switch from SMS to exchange messages, pictures, audio notes and video messages with WhatsApp users at no cost. All features are included without the need for extra in-application purchases.


* NO HIDDEN COST: Once you and your friends download the application, you can use it to chat as much as you want. Send a million messages a day to your friends for free! WhatsApp uses your Internet connection: 3G/EDGE or Wi-Fi when available.

* MULTIMEDIA: Send Video, Images, and Voice notes to your friends and contacts.

* GROUP CHAT: Enjoy group conversations with your contacts. Add or Remove group participants, change group subject and set a group icon.

* PERSONAL: Set a profile photo which will be shown to all your contacts

* NO INTERNATIONAL CHARGES: Just like there is no added cost to send an international email, there is no cost to send WhatsApp messages internationally. Chat with your friends all over the world as long as they have WhatsApp Messenger installed and avoid those pesky international SMS costs.

* SAY NO TO PINS AND USERNAMES: Why even bother having to remember yet another PIN or username? WhatsApp works with your phone number, just like SMS would, and integrates flawlessly with your existing phone address book.

* NO NEED TO LOG IN/OUT: No more confusion about getting logged off from another computer or device. With push notifications WhatsApp is ALWAYS ON and ALWAYS CONNECTED.

* NO NEED TO ADD BUDDIES: Your Address Book is used to automatically connect you with your contacts. Your contacts who already have WhatsApp Messenger will be automatically displayed under Favorites, similar to a buddy list.

* OFFLINE MESSAGES: Even if you miss your push notifications or turn off your iPhone, WhatsApp will save your messages offline until you retrieve them during the next application use.

* AND MUCH MORE: Share location and places, Exchange contacts, Custom wallpaper, Custom notification sounds, Landscape mode, Message timestamps, Email chat history, Broadcast messages and media to many contacts at once, and much much more!

We’re always excited to hear from you! If you have any feedback, questions, or concerns, please email us at: 

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WhatsApp on iPhone works with virtually all carriers and networks but some carrier limitations may apply. If you are on an Apple unsupported wireless carrier, double check our FAQ for up to date information on our coverage. 

NOTE: WhatsApp is a telephony application and as such iPod or iPad are NOT supported devices.
Customer Reviews

by Bz' Gravity
I personally think that the app "WhatsApp" should be available for iPod and iPad as well. Almost everybody wants this to happen. I also think that it would be better for the WhatsApp inc. too because then they would get even more ratings. I TRULY WISH THAT WHATSAPP WOULD BE AVAILABLE FOR THE IPOD AND IPAD!
It's ok 

by xXJagXx
But I dislike the fact that you don't formally add people, you just put their number in your phones contact list and if they have the app then you have them in your apps contacts and can see their activity. I don't like that anyone can see my activity without asking to add me to their friends/contacts.
What's app 

by Acbdydhhbdhbc

It's the best app for texting relatives in a different country.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

四国战记 - 寒冰之刃 china game flow arrange

  • 四国战记 - 寒冰之刃
1 贫富守衡的集卡系统
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2 乐此不疲的关卡系统
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3 无限惊喜的迷宫系统
4 扣人心弦的魔神系

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Friday, June 21, 2013

Moi, Moche et Méchant: Minion Rush free app

Les fidèles minions jaunes de Gru sont prêts à relever le défi dans Moi, Moche et Méchant: Minion Rush. Incarnez un minion et affrontez vos congénères dans des défis aussi hilarants que décoiffants pour impressionner votre patron, le super-vilain Gru ! Sautez, volez, évitez les obstacles, ramassez des Bananes, soyez ignoble et battez les méchants pour être sacré Minion de l'Année ! 


• Découvrez des séquences hilarantes et inattendues mettant en scène les minions 
• Soyez méchant dans des centaines de missions
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• Parcourez des endroits célèbres, pleins de surprises, de secrets et d'obstacles vicieux : le labo et le quartier résidentiel de Gru
• Personnalisez votre minion avec des costumes, des armes et des power-ups uniques
• Affrontez Vector et un tout nouveau méchant créé spécialement pour le jeu

• Explorez des passages secrets, affrontez des boss et récupérez des power-ups incroyables
• Regardez les personnages s'animer et écoutez-les parler, le tout en 3D
• Profitez de plusieurs angles de vue dynamiques
• Effectuez des missions bonus : 
→ Détruisez tout dans la peau d'un Méga minion
→ Ramassez des Bananes avec la Licorne en peluche
→ Chevauchez la Fusée de Gru pour la balade de votre vie

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• Amusez-vous avec vos amis ! Voyez leurs meilleurs scores en courant, envoyez-leur des provocations de minions amusantes et défiez-les pour leur montrer qui est le Minion de l'Année !

Flow Arrange free puzzle game

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Jaillance Bubbly iphone app free


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Unfortunately fallen at the bottom of the bottle, Bubbly tries to escape by bouncing off the Jaillance bubbles.
A lot of adventures are waiting Bubbly during his crazy way. You discover with him the particularity of the Jaillance Bubble : from Clairette de Die to Bulles de
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Muscat, each bubble will allow you to move up and hope go out of the bottle.

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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

flow arrange 7-7 all step iPhone iPad Game Download free Walkthrough

Free play hundreds of levels. Gameplay ranges from simple and relaxed, to challenging and frenetic, and everywhere in between. How you play is up to you. So, give Flow Arrange a try, and experience... flow arrange 7*7 all step Mania Walkthrough

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Flow Arrange" is a simple yet addictive puzzle game. 

All pipes and colour dots are already connected. They just misplaced its positions. All u need to do is Touch and hold the row. and start dragging the row to set it to its position.Set all the row in such a way so all pipes seems join. Watch out of leaps and moves… 

Free play hundreds of levels. Gameplay ranges from simple and relaxed, to challenging and frenetic, and everywhere in between. How you play is up to you. So, give Flow Arrange a try, and experience... 

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*** Flow Arrange features *** 

* Content 

- 150 free levels available with hundreds of combination (JUST RELOAD THE SAME PUZZLE)

- 5 different board sizes

- All thing is free. 

* Challenge 

- Strive for accuracy in Free Play using the fewest, most efficient moves 

- Game Centre achievements as you solve levels and complete packs 

- Track your completion of each level

- You can earn hint by solving of each the puzzle… 

* Look & Feel 
- Colourful UI
- Smooth, polished touch interaction
- Fun sound effects
- Clean vector graphics and animations

Thursday, May 30, 2013

iFastCamera Camera+ Cebuano video

Camera+ Fast for iPhone 4 is one of the most powerful camera photo app in the Appstore.

With Camera+ Fast app you can take better photos directly from app and edit it on the go with different tools, filters and effects.
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You can use this app on iPad first and second generation, but full app power and advantage you can get on iPhone 4.

★★★ Camera+ Fast for iPhone 4 provides: ★★★

√ iPhone 4S camera support!

√ Advanced app camera

√ Photo editor with additional features

√ Image processing effects with adjustable slider

√ Different effects and filters - apply on the go!

√ Share function - Send your photos to different web services like Facebook and Twitter

√ Flip photos horizontally and vertically

√ Rotate photos in any directions

√ Create new effects by combining different effects and filters with each other

√ Real camera interface fully optimized for iPhone 4

√ Easy to use app - no special skills needed

√ Support large images and photos

√ Adjust effects manually with extra slider

√ Rotate photos in any directions

√ Export photos to ALL other apps that supports Paste function!

√ Send full size photos to ANY email

And much more what professional photo editor must do! Purchase app today and discover all app amazing features!

Ba ikaw mingawon sa bisan unsa nga kalihukan sa imong kinabuhi? Kon oo nan ayaw miss it, lang dakpon kini pinaagi sa pagkuha niini uban sa usa sa labing paspas camera app sa iPhone.

  iFast camera  

Dili kinahanglan nga i-klik ang alang sa matag litrato sa pagdakop, usa lang ka click, ug kini magsugod sa pagsikop mga litrato.
nimo gibutang ang Quality sa photo (VGA / hatag-as).
lang magsugod sa timer alang sa pagsikop litrato ug apil sa inyong grupo sa paghatag sa pahiyom uban kanila.
App mahimo sa labaw pa sa 1000 ka mga litrato sa usa ka minuto (20 litrato / Ikaduhang).
Lock ug abli Focus ug White Balance sa photo Quality.
Suportahi ang duha ka camera atubangan ug sa likod.
Paghimo auto magsugod sa pagsugod sa instant photo.
sa kamut sa paglangan sa photo.
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Pagpili labing maayo nga litrato gikan sa tanan nga mga litrato.

Create video gikan sa litrato ug sa eksport sa camera roll. 

Scan QRCODE download ang mga PAGGAMIT SA FREE

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Camera Pro - iFastCamera French

Camera Pro is a unique application, allows you load your camera very fast, delay the shutter release, giving you time between pushing the button and taking the actual photo. Once you push the button, a beeping sound is emitted which becomes faster as the moment of the shot approaches.

Never ask... who is going to take that picture for your Facebook page? Self Timer to the rescue! Push, pose, beep, smile :)

Whatever your adventure, photography buffs will appreciate that the time delayed shutter release reduces camera shake on long exposure photographs. Self Timer allows a delay of 5, 10 or 20 seconds. With Self Timer in your first aid kit you'll always get the perfect shot!


🔥 Countdown sounds alert!

🔥 Press the shutter button and after 10, 15 or 20 seconds, the picture will be taken automatically.

🔥 Set shots in sequences of 3 photographs: finally in at least one of the photos all subjects have their eyes open!
With geotagging your photos will contain information about where you are.
The timer and sequential shooting functionality are set directly by touching the display.
Send your photos to Flickr, Facebook or Twitter with iPhone OS 5 or later.
🔥 Use Fun Mode to capture people's attention.
🔥 Review your shots in high resolution.
and more..

Caméra iFast - Capturez chaque instant de votre vie

Avez-vous perdu tout mouvement de votre vie? Si oui, alors ne manquez pas, il suffit de le capturer en le prenant avec une application appareil photo le plus rapide de l'iPhone.

  iFast caméra   Pas besoin de cliquer pour chaque photo pour capturer, en un seul clic et il va commencer à capturer des photos.
Vous pouvez régler la qualité de la photo (VGA / HIGH).
Il suffit de commencer minuterie pour la capture photo et joindre à votre groupe pour donner sourire avec eux.
App peut prendre plus de 1000 photos en une minute (20 photos / seconde).
verrouiller et déverrouiller mise au point et la balance des blancs de la qualité de la photo.
Soutien à la fois devant la caméra et à l'arrière.
Faire de démarrage automatique à commencer photo instantanée.
régler manuellement retard de la photo.
Sélectionnez meilleure photo de tous les photos.
Camera Pro - iFastCamera French iOS app

Créer vidéo à partir de photos et d'exporter à tourner la caméra. 

SCAN QRCODE pour télécharger l'application pour Windows GRATUIT

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Fast Fx Camera ifastcamera Chinese

@ 50% OFF FOR A LIMITED TIME – Take advantage of our discounted pricing today!

With FastFx Camera, you can add beautiful stickers Hadouken as the hottest New Internet Meme to your photos and share them on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr & Instagram. Create inspirational, informational or even funny images to share quickly and easily.
Moreover, with just a few quick taps, you’re able to transform dull, lifeless photos into beautiful creations, Hadouken Meme specially. Editing your photos with FastFx Camera is extremely simple and intuitive to use.

Highlight & features:

@ Plenty of amazing instant and blend effects
- Frezzing Blue, foliage, attractive red, violet coffee, cool summer, special blue, fearless, magical cyan, warm forest, summer forest, warm landscape, white fade, softwhite

@ Lovely stickers to support Hadouken Meme fan

Add texts to tell your story

@ Photos Import
- Import photo from Camera Roll Album
- Import photo from Camera by tap "Camera" button on photo edit menu

@ Share your creations to your friends all over the world…
- Sharing via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter...
- Save to Photo album

@ Full Retina Display support

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Followed by Chetan Bhagat and others
New York Trends · Change

Results for #SummerFun


★★★★★★  奕丰相机   ★★★★★★

您可以设置照片质量(VGA /高)。



Monday, May 27, 2013

iFast Camera 1000 photos in a minute Croatian

Review this app
Just start timer for capturing photo and join your group to give smile with them.
App can take more than 1000 photos in a minute (20 photos / Second).
1000 photos in a minute

Point-and-shoot cameras are on the way out. Smartphone cameras are just too convenient -- and too good -- for dedicated entry-level cameras to last forever. The iPhone helped kick off the smartphone boom in 2007, and the camera on the iPhone 4S -- released in 2011 -- is easily one of the best on the market as of mid 2012. The high resolution, 8-megapixel sensor helps, but other camera elements are more important. The backside-illuminated sensor captures lots of light, which is important for shooting at night. The f2.4 aperture lets more light reach the sensor. A five-element lens increases image sharpness. And 1080p video shooting is just the icing on the cake.

Apple released a service called iCloud alongside the iPhone 4S. One of iCloud's features, Photo Stream, syncs photos snapped on the iPhone to cloud storage, as well as to a Mac or PC, streamlining the process of backing up photos or sharing them with friends. It's another convenience that makes smartphones killer pocket cameras. And they get better still: In addition to the iPhone's default camera software, there are tons of camera apps on the App Store that add the features and options of pricier dedicated cameras.

Here are 10 great iPhone camera apps you should check out if you like shooting pictures and video with your phone. Want to shoot a stop motion video? Love the idea of combining photography and social networking? Feel like doing some photo editing on the go and want something more complex than Apple's Photos software? Read on.

Jeste li propustili svaki pokret svog života? Ako da onda ne propustite ga, samo ga uhvatiti ga uzimati s jednom od najbrže kamera app za iPhone.

  iFast kamere  

Ne trebate kliknuti za svaku fotografiju za snimanje, samo jedan klik i to će početi snimanje fotografija.
Možete postaviti kvalitetu fotografije (VGA / HIGH).
Samo početak timer za snimanje fotografija i pridružiti grupi dati svoj osmijeh s njima.
App može potrajati i više od 1000 fotografija u minuti (20 fotografija / Second).
Zaključavanje i otključavanje Focus i balans bijele boje na fotografiji kvalitete.
Podrška i kamere sprijeda i straga.
Provjerite auto start na trenutak za početak fotografiju.
Ručno postavite kašnjenje na fotografiji.
Odaberite najbolju fotografiju iz svih fotografiju.

Stvaranje videa od fotografija i izvoz na kretanja fotoaparata. 

SCAN QRCode Za preuzimanje aplikacija za besplatni

Fast Tap Camera -ifastCamera arbi

New max. speed: up to 60 photos in speed mode!
3GS: 12 photos/sec. (60 in 5 sec.)
3G: 8.5 photos/sec. (60 in 7 sec.)
2G: 7.5 photos/sec. (60 in 8 sec.)


Quickly take a photo by tapping anywhere on screen.

- find it fast on your home screen (red icon)

- easily take a picture of yourself
- saves photos to camera roll
- 2 high resolution modes (up to 5 photos fast)
- speed mode (up to 60 photos very fast)
- infinite loop mode
- self timer for all modes
- no splash screen
- no dialogs
- no buttons

"Fast Tap Camera is an incredibly useful application that launched today. It helps you take pictures with your iPhone in situations when you need to react fast or when you can not see the camera button. It allows you to tap anywhere on the screen to take the photo.
Fast Tap Camera is also designed to help you find it very fast on your home screen (red icon) and also to help you know when you can tap the screen for a photo and when you have to wait for the photo to be saved." -

"Fast Tap Camera: And the second cool-looking camera app is one that adds a functionality I've been looking for: expanding the camera's tiny shutter button to the whole screen. I've dropped my phone countless times trying to awkwardly hit the shutter button in a non-conventional shooting angle, and this solves that problem. Let the self portraits and hail mary shots flow. $1" -

"Finally, an easier way to take photos" -


This high performance camera app is easy to use and can help to react and take photos very fast. Like every other third party camera or photo app it needs time to save after receiving the photos from the iPhone camera. Saving durations are:
high res. photo: 4 sec. on 3GS; 5,5 sec. on 3G; 6,5 sec on 2G low res. photo(320*480): 0.5 sec. on 3GS; 0.8 sec. on 3G; 1 sec. on 2G
Enjoy the first and only camera app in the AppStore that lets you save many single - multi-shot photos to your camera roll! You can use this photos to create nice movies on your computer with software like Apple QuickTime Pro or Windows Movie Maker.
كاميرا iFast - القبض على كل لحظة من حياتك

هل فقدت أي حركة من حياتك؟ إذا كان الجواب نعم ثم لا تفوت، مجرد الاستيلاء عليها عن طريق الاستيلاء عليها مع واحدة من أسرع التطبيق الكاميرا من اي فون.

  iFast كاميرا  

لا تحتاج إلى النقر فوق كل صورة لالتقاط الصور، بنقرة واحدة فقط، وسوف بدء التقاط الصور.
يمكنك ضبط جودة الصورة (VGA / عالية).
مجرد بداية الموقت لالتقاط الصور والانضمام مجموعتك لإعطاء ابتسامة معهم.
التطبيق يمكن أن يستغرق أكثر من 1000 صورة في الدقيقة (20 صورة / الثانية).
قفل وفتح التركيز وتوازن اللون الأبيض لجودة الصورة.
دعم كل من الكاميرا الأمامية والخلفية.
جعل صناعة السيارات بدء على الصورة لبدء الفوري.
تعيين تأخير من الصورة يدويا.
اختر أفضل صورة من كل صورة.

إنشاء الفيديو من الصور وتصديرها إلى لفة الكاميرا. 
SCAN QRCODE لتنزيل التطبيق مجانا